These texts is in English because I can't input Chinese characters at all!!!When I use Microsoft Pinyin in build 20185 and switch to Chinese Input Mode, a notification a
i down the Microsoft IME Code Sample and build in vs2022,regedit the SampleIME.dll,input text in notepad,the IME only show the Composition,and no the Candida
刚更新 win10 2004 见到了新版的微软输入法与 IME 工具列,第一次使用 IME 工具列设定时将原本水平状态的工具栏调节为垂直,但是此后想恢复水平状态时点击设定中的【水平/垂直】无任何反应。已经尝试过的方法:重新启动设备;在输入法页面删除微软拼音输入法后重新加入;还原输入法设定;还原到旧版输入法后重新回到新版等。&