Computers have become an integral part of our daily lives, and with their普及, they have also become a source of concern for many people. Some of the potential risks associated with computers include:
1. Computer辐射: Computers generate small amounts of electromagnetic radiation, known as electromagnetic waves. This radiation can cause cancer and other health problems if it is continued for a long time.
2. Computer病毒: Computer病毒 are computer programs that can感染计算机系统 and cause errors, damage data, and even cause computers to crash.
3. Data泄露: Theft or unauthorized access to personal information on a computer can lead to identity theft and other financial fraud.
4. computer沉迷: Overuse of computers can lead to physical and mental health problems, such as fatigue, irritability, and stress.
5.眼疲劳:长时间盯着电脑屏幕 can cause eye strain and reduce the ability to see clearly.
6. 肥胖:电脑屏幕前的久坐不动可能导致肥胖和运动不足。
7. 孤独感:缺乏与他人交流的机会,可能导致孤独感和社交隔离。
8. 心脏问题: Computers can cause心脏问题, such as computer-related heart disease, by using too much of a computer.
In conclusion, computers can be a source of concern for people because of the potential risks associated with them. It is important for people to use computers in a responsible and safe manner and to take breaks to rest and rejuvenation.

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