\"电脑\" (bǎo jǐn) is a Chinese word that refers to a computer or a digital device that is used to process and store information. In Chinese, it is often used as a代词 (代词是表示代替的词) to refer to one specific device or type of device.
In addition to being a代词, \"电脑\" is also a名词 (名词是表示人、事、物等的词) that refers to a computer. In Chinese, it is often used as a collective名词 ( collective名词是表示一类人、事、物的词) to refer to a group of computers.
For example, you might say \"我们电脑坏了\" (wǒmen bǎo jǐn gùle deng) to mean \"Our computer has gone wrong\" or \"Our computer has stopped working.\"