There are several popular抠图软件 available for use on Windows, MacOS, and Linux. Some popular options include:
1. Adobe Photoshop: This is a widely used and highly advanced image editing software that can be used for image抠图. It has a variety of抠图 tools and techniques, including skin抠图, face抠图, and object抠图.
2. GIMP: This is a free image editing software that is also highly advanced and can be used for image抠图. It has a similar set of tools and techniques as Photoshop, but it is specifically designed for image editing and has a wider range of features.
3.抠图大师: This is a freeware image editing software that is designed specifically for image抠图. It has a simple and user-friendly interface, and it can be used to抠出各种形状, including shapes of people, objects, and cars.
4.抠图精灵: This is a freeware image editing software that is also designed specifically for image抠图. It has a variety of抠图工具, including skin抠图, face抠图, and object抠图, and it can be used to create highly detailed抠图效果.
5. OpenCV: This is a computer vision library that can be used for image processing and抠图. It has a built-in skin抠图 algorithm that can be used to抠出 skin from an image.
Ultimately, the best抠图软件 will depend on your specific needs and preferences. You can try out a few different options and see which one works best for you.

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