There are several mask抠图软件 available online or in commercial market. Here are some popular options:
1.Photoshop:Photoshop is the most widely used and powerful image editing software in the world. It has a built-in mask tool that can be used to create and edit masks.
2.GIMP:GIMP is a free, open-source image editing software that is also excellent for mask抠图. It has a similar interface and features as Photoshop, but it is much easier to use and has a greater variety of mask-making tools.
3.Blender:Blender is a powerful三维计算机图形软件 that is also designed to be used for mask抠图. It has a built-in image editor and can be used to create and编辑 masks.
4.OpenCV:OpenCV is a computer vision library that can be used for image processing, including mask抠图. It has a high-level API that can be used to read and write images, create masks, and perform other image processing tasks.
5.Lightroom:Lightroom is a popular image editing software that is also designed for mask抠图. It has a built-in mask tool that can be used to create and edit masks, and it can be used to match masks with objects in the image.
Overall, the choice of mask抠图软件 depends on your specific needs and preferences. These tools can be used for various purposes, such as image editing, mask creation, object recognition, and more.