Computer Engineer英语包括以下内容:
1. 计算机网络:Networking is the study of the communication between different devices and systems in a computer network. It involves the design, construction, and operation of computer networks, including data communication networks, communication networks, and computer networks.
2. 软件工程:Software engineering is the process of designing, developing, testing, and部署 software systems. It involves the study of computer programming, software design, software testing, software development process, and software architecture.
3. 硬件工程:Hardware engineering is the process of designing, developing, testing, and manufacturing hardware systems, including computer systems, electronics, and other systems that use physical devices.
4. 通信工程:通信工程 is the study of the design, construction, and operation of communication systems, including telecommunications, information communication, and signal processing systems.
5. 计算机科学:计算机科学 is the study of the design, development, and use of computer systems and software, including computer hardware and software. It involves the study of algorithms, data structures, computer architecture, computer networks, and software development process.
6. 人工智能:Artificial intelligence (AI) is the study of intelligent systems that can learn, process, and analyze data, including natural language processing, machine learning, and artificial neural networks.
7. 嵌入式系统:嵌入式系统 is a type of computer system that is embedded in other devices, such as smartphones, cars, and appliances, and that requires low-level control over the hardware and software.
8. 测试工程师:测试工程师 is a professional who specializes in the design, development, and testing of software systems and other hardware systems. They perform a wide range of testing activities, including code testing, system testing, regression testing, and performance testing.
9. 云计算:Cloud computing is the use of云计算 services, such as virtual machines, storage, and networking, to provide online computing resources to customers. It has become a popular choice for businesses and individuals as a way to offload tasks and applications and save time and money on IT infrastructure.