It's difficult to provide a precise number for the percentage of Linux-based systems that use杀毒软件, as the use of杀毒软件 on Linux systems can vary greatly depending on the specific operating system and the user's needs. However, it is important to note that Linux systems are often run in a self-supervised environment, meaning that users are responsible for detecting and managing software packages, which can make杀毒软件的需求 relatively low.
Some Linux distributions provide built-in杀毒软件, such as Linux Mint and Ubuntu, which can be used to protect against common threats such as病毒、恶意软件和黑客攻击. Other Linux distributions, such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and Debian, typically require users to install杀毒软件 through the operating system's package manager.
Overall, the percentage of Linux-based systems that use杀毒软件 can vary depending on the specific distribution and the user's needs. However, it is important to note that many Linux users prefer to use self-supervised operating systems and do not require杀毒软件.