JeeK is a popular杀毒软件 for Linux systems that is available in various flavors and languages. It is built on top of the 杀掉(jiedu) command, which is a powerful command used in China to delete files that are considered to be harmful. JeeK is designed to detect and remove病毒、恶意软件、广告软件、黑客攻击等各种类型的恶意软件.
JeeK includes a variety of features, such as a user interface that is easy to use, a built-in防火墙 that可以防止恶意攻击, and a powerful扫描引擎 that can detect and remove many types of malicious files.
JeeK is available for various operating systems, including Linux, Windows, and macOS, and it is widely used by developers, students, and individuals who need to protect their systems from malicious software.