①.Mobile Security by Avast: Avast is a popular杀毒软件 that is available for free on Android and iOS devices. It offers a range of features such as security cameras, firewalls, and browser protection.
②.Malwarebytes Mobile: Malwarebytes Mobile is another popular free mobile杀毒软件 that offers a range of tools for protecting against恶意软件、病毒、广告软件等。
③.AVG Mobile Security: AVG Mobile Security is a popular杀毒软件 that is available for free on Android and iOS devices. It provides security features such as firewalls, anti-virus, and e-mail protection.
4.avg Mobile Security:avg Mobile Security is a free mobile杀毒软件 that is available for iOS devices only. It provides security features such as firewalls, anti-virus, and e-mail protection.
⑤.Q软的免费手机杀毒软件: Q软的免费手机杀毒软件 for Android and iOS devices offers a range of security features such as firewall, virus扫描, app防火墙, and system优化.