When I put the taskbar on the left side of the desktop, the system tray at the bottom of the taskbar has a large interval between the ICONS. How can I make this interval smaller?(I found that there was no such problem when the taskbar was horizontal)
The following two figures show the interval. Hi,I'mPaul,aMember.IhopeIcanhelpyouwithyourconcernHaveyoutriedgoingtoyourtaskbarsettingsandusesmallericons?Ihopethishelps.Feelfreetoaskbackanyquestionsandkeepmeposted.此是否有帮助?是否抱歉,这没有帮助。太棒了!感谢你的反馈。你对此的满意度如何?感谢你的反馈,它能帮助改进网站。你对此的满意度如何?感谢你的反馈。