基本情况如下:有大约两百多台电脑,部分是OEMwin7旗舰版,部分是用OEMwin7旗舰版免费升级的win10专业版,部分是OEMwin10家庭版,部分是密钥激活的win10专业版。问题如下:1.我能否用一个微软账号登录并关联所有200台电脑?2.如果我要淘汰一部分,比如说10台OEMwin10家庭版的电脑,我能否使用我的账号在新的10台电脑上激活win10家庭版?3.能否在保持账号与系统的关联同时,使用本地账户无密码登录?4.如果我忘掉了密钥,我怎么查看我的账号能激活多少系统?The basic situation is as follows:There are about two hundred computers, some of which are OEM win7 Ultimate, some are win10 Professional upgraded from OEM win7 Ultimate, some are OEM win10 Home, and some are Win10 Professional activated by keys.Questions are as follows:1. Can I log in and associate all 200 computers with one Microsoft account?2. If I want to abandon some of them, such as 10 computers with OEM win10 home , can I activate win10 home on other new 10 computers use this account?3. Is it possible to use a local account to log in without a password while keeping the account associated with the system?4. If I forget the keys I ever used, how do I know how many and what kind of OS I can active with this account? 您好欢迎咨询本站,