1I am trying to do HLK testing for my own driver by this instruction https://msdn.microsoft.com/ru-ru/library/windows/hardware/dn915002(v=vs.85).aspx , but I have problems.I can not do step 5 as I do not see my driver in the list of .sys files I can select for testing in HLK Studio selection tab. My driver is stored on test machine in location C:\MyDriver\mydriver64.sys. It is 64-bit kernel mode driver used by my application for RAM analysis.What can I do to add my driver to the selection list and run HLK tests for it?2.I installed HLK studio on window server 2016 in hyper-V,and how can I connect to my EV codesign certificate(USB token).Thank you. HelloNicsrs,IamJaspreetSingh.Pleasepostyourqueryintheprogrammingorientedforumhere:https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/index.Techcommunityforumsaremoresuitableforthiskindofquestions.Microsoftcommunityforumsaremainlyforconsumerproductstroubleshootingandhelp.此是否有帮助?是否抱歉,这没有帮助。太棒了!感谢你的反馈。你对此的满意度如何?感谢你的反馈,它能帮助改进网站。你对此的满意度如何?感谢你的反馈。