function Toggle(node) { if (!window.fullyLoaded) return; var divNode = node.nextElementSibling; // nextElementSibling may unexpectedly return null if (!divNode) divNode = node.nextSibling; if (!divNode || divNode.nodeType != 1) return; // Expand the branch? if ( == 'none') { // Change the sign to "-". var bNode = node.getElementsByTagName("b")[0]; bNode.innerText = "-"; // show the branch = ''; } else // Collapse the branch { // Change the sign to " ". var bNode = node.getElementsByTagName("b")[0]; bNode.innerText = " "; // hide the branch = 'none'; } } // Toggle "System" element by default so that its default status is to hide its children function ToggleSystemElement() { var body = document.getElementById("body"); var anchor = body.getElementsByTagName("table")[0]; Toggle(anchor); } // If binary data is present in event XML, show it in friendly form. function ProcessBinaryData(binaryString, binaryDataCaption, wordsFormatString, bytesFormatString, normalFont, fixedWidthFont) { var bodyNode = document.getElementById("body"); // Add a at the end of the HTML body. bodyNode.appendChild(document.createElement("hr")); // This paragraph (p element) is the "Binary data:" literal string. var p = document.createElement("p"); = normalFont; var b = document.createElement("b"); b.appendChild(document.createTextNode(binaryDataCaption)); p.appendChild(b); p.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); bodyNode.appendChild(p); // // Show binary data in Words format. // p = document.createElement("p"); = normalFont; p.appendChild(document.createTextNode(wordsFormatString)); bodyNode.appendChild(p); // Must use fixed-width font for binary data. p = document.createElement("p"); = fixedWidthFont; var i = 0; var j = 0; var s, tempS; var translatedString; var charCode; var byte1, byte2; // Each character in binaryString is a hex (16-based) representation of // 4 binary bits. So it takes 2 characters in binaryString to form a // complete byte; 4 characters for a word. while (i < binaryString.length) { s = (i / 2).toString(16); // To hex representation. while (s.length < 4) { s = "0" s; } s = ": "; // DWords representation is simply a rearrangement of the original binaryString // For example, from: // // 0000000002005600000000000f000540 // // (which is 00 00 00 00 02 00 56 00 00 00 00 00 0f 00 05 40). // // to: // // 0000: 00000000 00560002 00000000 4005000f // 8 words per line, 4 DWords per line. for (j = 0; j < 4; j ) { s = binaryString.substring(i 6, i 8); s = binaryString.substring(i 4, i 6); s = binaryString.substring(i 2, i 4); s = binaryString.substring(i, i 2) " "; i = 8; } p.appendChild(document.createTextNode(s)); p.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); } bodyNode.appendChild(p); // // Show binary data in bytes format. // p = document.createElement("p"); = normalFont; p.appendChild(document.createTextNode(bytesFormatString)); bodyNode.appendChild(p); // Must use fixed-width font for binary data. p = document.createElement("p"); = fixedWidthFont; i = 0; j = 0; // Each character in binaryString is a hex (16-based) representation of // 4 binary bits. So it takes 2 characters in binaryString to form a // complete byte. while (i < binaryString.length) { translatedString = ""; // 2 characters in binaryString to form a byte s = (i / 2).toString(16); // to hex representation. // Prefix with '0' until its length is 4. while (s.length < 4) { s = "0" s; } s = ": "; // Show 8 bytes per line for (j = 0; j < 8; j ) { tempS = binaryString.substring(i, i 2); // 2 for 1 byte i = 2; s = tempS " "; // Treat tempS as hex integer charCode = parseInt(tempS, 16); if (charCode < 32) { translatedString = "."; } else { translatedString = String.fromCharCode(charCode); } } while (s.length < 32) { s = " "; } s = translatedString; p.appendChild(document.createTextNode(s)); p.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); } bodyNode.appendChild(p); } -System -Provider[ Name]Microsoft-Windows-WER-SystemErrorReporting[ Guid]{abce23e7-de45-4366-8631-84fa6c525952}EventID1001Version1Level2Task0Opcode0Keywords0x8000000000000000-TimeCreated[ SystemTime]2022-09-27T18:10:22.6039547ZEventRecordID4188Correlation-Execution[ ProcessID]1124[ ThreadID]1128ChannelSystemComputerDESKTOP-G8K9GRE-Security[ UserID]S-1-5-18 -EventData param10x0000003b (0x00000000c0000005, 0xfffff804676c9080, 0xfffff48e1c756af0, 0x0000000000000000)param2C:\Windows\Minidump\092822-5500-01.dmpparam37584dca7-f33c-4301-ba7a-0d2bac87d206
Hiandthanksforreachingout.MynameisBernardaWindowsfanlikeyou.I'llbehappytohelpyououttoday.Iunderstandtheissueyouhave,nothingtoworryIamheretohelp,andjusttoconfirmcanyoustillusetheaffecteddevice?ifso,weneedtoanalyzetheerror,canyoupleasecheckifyouhaveminidumpfilesonthePCsothatwecanfurtherexaminewhatistherootcauseoftheissue?PressWindowskey E(Toopenfileexplorer)Click"ThisPC">thenfollowthefilepath:C:\Windows\MinidumpCopytheMinidumpfilesandsavethemtoanotherlocationlikeDesktoporDocuments.ThenpleaseuploadittoCloudstorageandpleasesharetheshareablelinkhere.LetmeknowhowitgoesandIhopethathelps.BernardIndependentAdvisor此是否有帮助?是否抱歉,这没有帮助。太棒了!感谢你的反馈。你对此的满意度如何?感谢你的反馈,它能帮助改进网站。你对此的满意度如何?感谢你的反馈。