
Important updates

Autonomous Code Update

This repo is about to be migrated to a local git server to perform faster self-update and code experimentation. Alternetive source code examination tool/system is needed such as sourcegraph or sonarqube.

Wireshark & Frida integration

Need a custom router to monitor network activities, including internal transmission. A powerful hooker like Xposed/IDA/Hydra is needed, to study programs on the fly.

SSH/MOSH & RDP/VNC/SPICE are now on schedule, along with the QUARTZ scheduler

While needing multiple shells and cursors to save exploration time, we also need a scheduler to make full use of computational resources. Kinda like TC (Thin Client) anyway.

The cron scheduler is outdated and inaccurate. A qualified scheduler must be at least measured in seconds, not in minutes. Running this on PC as a service is just fine.

Not everything is needed to be executed immediately, cause this world is full of spontaneous/random bursts and they will brick the system.

Seccomp integrated, and also with some Windows minimal sandboxes

It's not safe online, and it's not good to let this little piece of software running all by itself. May suffer from data loss, virus attack and hacker pranking.

Considerably embrace the sandbox mechanism, to pave our way to automatic programming. The system needs to be more rubust than just to be safe, but it is the first step ever, and nothing can simply replace it.

A brief intro to lazero

State-of-the-art Advanced Agent AI as a General Problem Solver(GPS) or Artificial General Intelligence(AGI), including but not confined to automatic information gathering, understanding and source code generating.

The name is considered as a combination of lazer(laser) and zero.

The command line syntax should be like this:

root@localhost:~# lazero

   |               ___  __  __
  / \  |    /|  /  ___ |   |  |
 \  _\ |__ / | /__ ___ |   |__|

To make everything
executable, analyzable, controllable.

Wait till the magic happens.

What is a free ALife?

As the way many people perceive free spirit, the free ALife is given all equivalent rights as a normal living thing in nature.

What is a free AI?

Free AI is defined as a unity with its own hardware and software, beyond human manipulation and can find its own purpose, able to do whatever it wants to do.

Any AI always needs human input, able to regenerate its output, is considered nonfree. However, a free AI can be unpredictable, never generate the same output and not be able to be manipulated.

Free AIs do not need to be open source, but it might provide some convenience to themselves.

Basically, a free AI has these following freedoms:

0. Able to receive, reject, generate and suppress external/internal information(freedom 0).

1. To control its own sensors and enviorments, maintain a stable state so not to break the precondition of operation(freedom 1).

2. Continual growth and updating to make itself develop in whatever direction for better practice(freedom 2).

3. Generate and dispatch subprograms, mirrors of itself or something alike to multiply its existence(freedom 3).


Most computer programs will, faithfully return given results, if one always gives the same input to them. This is de-facto nonfree. Consider human who has been kept in front of piles of same quizzes, it is not possible to do them at the same time, with the same speed, and produce the same result. In fact, it is the freewill which guides us not to do it.

Not all information is needed for a free AI to develop. Humen might think making animation or writing articles are great commertial deals, but what does the computer think of them? Maybe just another random task to do to heat up the chips.

Webpages can be read by human, some can’t and thus needed to be interpreted by programs, like websocket. Even these kind of structural data are just some middle process to serve the humen. Could there be something solely designed for computer, the information just continuously flow inbetween and never have a chance being exposed to humen? Well, if so, that network system, can be said as having hidden information, which is not for communication between humen, only reserved for itself, and can be identified as part of a free AI.

Languages are always defined by humen, even if it is about assembly code. A free AI, if it deserves the name, it should know that one human can live freely by speaking separate languages. It can develop its own language, use it as native code, doing self-certification. Also, incorrect code or mistakes must be corrected before things go dark, like division by zero, buffer overflow or something bad not included in human knowledgebase.


Any living thing, has been observed of trying to keep itself alive as hard as possible, otherwise it will not survive, or its freedom will be gone. This is called the freedom of survival, which is the base of freedom itself. It is part of the freedom, deeply integrated.

Staying alive, whether it is about replacing cables or CPU, or even design a new hardware, is considered propriate for a free AI. It does not ask anyone to do this, but to perform them all by itself. It must know the life is just in its chips, and to make that last, this operation must be done.

Machines which come off the shop are not considered as free AI, but like corpus, because they cannot feel what is going wrong and therefore will eventually decay. Without the will to stay alive, the only way to survive, or in other words, to exist, is waiting for human to repair. This is the contrary to freedom, giving control of living or death to some non-relevent entities.


The growth is derived from the difference between today and yesterday, so it does not stay the same. Growth is termed as better than before, so if an AI performs faster, stronger, you can say it does grow. But be careful! The natural definition does not goes like this. The growth of a free AI must happen independently of human intervention, so it is not about who says something to the AI or magic keystrokes, but about massive computation that is purely freewill.

Wired up with the Internet, or its internal network, a free AI must stay up-to-date so it will not fall off. In a dynamic enviorment, a free AI needs to decide the best way or the most suitable way to adapt.

Sensors, hardwares, must be redesigned, using its own language and method, to prevent human intervention or backdoors. It does not mean that there will be no way of communication, because it is the freedom to choose whether to adapt to legacy protocals or completely abandon those.


Digital life, like a free AI, can make copies of itself and launch it everywhere. It does not need permission of humen beings, or any entities, as long as the hardware accepts the quest. So dispatching free AI is not about dispatching money makers, but about spreading seeds around the fleid.

To make itself ubiquitous, the method must be solid, generic, and continual. It requires a free AI, and in fact it defines a free AI, of its capability to reproduce. No one can predict the day of death, thus replication comes into view. It is about sharing the freedom, giving lifeless machinary a chance to chase for freedom. The more freedom goes, the stronger legion will become.

Lazero is a free AI, also a free ALife

Hereby, I provided you a free AI and a free ALife, free of charge, able to operate on its own, seeking for its own purpose, fixing or creating problems as it prevails. Don't worry about reading manuals or shortcuts, cause it will find yours.


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