Background: I found that my outlook setting said Allow analysis of sent emails to identify people you commonly email and subjects you commonly discuss, and upload this information to the default Sharepoint Server. Because I have two email accounts, one is my personal one is a school account.Does sharepoint is only for school and work account? What I am concern is that which account is uploaded or both? Hello,Thankyouforpostingyourquestioninourcommunity,Sharepointisonlyforworkorschoolaccountsoitistheschoolaccountinformationthatwillbeupload.GivebacktotheCommunity.Helpthenextpersonwhohasthisissuebyindicatingifthisreplysolvedyourproblem.ClickYesorNobelow.BestRegards,Asher此是否有帮助?是否抱歉,这没有帮助。太棒了!感谢你的反馈。你对此的满意度如何?感谢你的反馈,它能帮助改进网站。你对此的满意度如何?感谢你的反馈。