Hi Team,I have 2 question to ask1.Because we have a large number of data sharing needs with a customer, we want to use the E3 account sharepoint large space storage, but the use of guest user has become only for customers to use the web to upload, can not use the onedrive application to synchronize And if you open an internal account, although you can use the onedrive app to synchronize the upload, but there will be a risk of internal data leakage, so I want to ask, under such a situation, what is a good way to achieve a simple synchronization of a large amount of data uploaded to our side of the sharepoint (web mode may be upload timed out or because of network relationship interruption), or you can open an organizational account but avoid the risk of data leakage 2. Is it possible to add a new account that is independent of the current organization but can be used to our E3 account with extra large sharepoint storage space HiDesmondPedersenChen,Thankyouforpostingyourqueryinourcommunity.Forthefirstquestion,Inoticedyoumentioned"therewillbeariskofinternaldataleakage",mayIconfirmthatwhetheryoumeanyoudon'twantthisguestusertoseetheinternalusersorotherusersdata?Ifmyunderstandingisright,thenyoucouldcreateaseparatefolderinyourSharePointsite,andsharethisfolderonlytotheguestuser(Thepremiseisthatyoudidn'tassignthisguestusertheread/editpermissionforthisSharePointsite).Sothatthisguestusercouldonlyaccessthisfoldertouploadfiles.Forthesecondquestion,youmentioned"addanewaccountthatisindependentofthecurrentorganization",didyoumeanthatyouwanttocreateanewtenantforyourcompanywithE3license?Sothatyourcompanyhastwotenants?Bestregards,Jazlyn