I created a PPT template to insert a picture(pic is under same folder as PPT file), but it shows the error message:run-time error '-2147024809'(80070057)': the specified
I reinstalled the win10 Pro system for the computer, the build version of the operating system is 19044.1288, and then I intend to install node.js for it, except for the
您好!求助,有朋友说是驱动问题,我删掉了驱动重装,不管是哪个版本甚至是回退到出厂的版本依然无法解决问题,后续尝试了重装系统依然有此问题,每次MINIDUMP‘的报错都是一下符号。之前半年无此问题,从上周开始频繁出现,一天大概2-3次,不知道是什么冲突,聊天,看视频,打游戏的时候都可能会出现。Microsoft (R) Windows D
Hi,it always synchronize the whole folder of teamsite if I was using Onedrive for business.however I can select folder if I used Onedrive. can you please advise about th