我想要恢复桌面之前的所有的excel文件,输入一直说有误,或者failC:\WINDOWS\system32>winfr C: C:\Users\a399867\Desktop/n *.xlsxThere was an error parsing your command. Please check /? for more inf
Hi, everyoneI use SAPI 11 SDK for speech recognition, and this recognition result obtains the isprecoresult object. Now I want to store it as a PCM file. What do I need
Hi,I was using a public account when I accidently clicked a Onedrive link. Now I want to delete my view history, access history and everything related to a shared Onedri
(用戶現在要做的東西是 把 Communication Site 的 Document 給隱藏起來,只給用戶可以看 View)我跟這個 KB : 如何把 site content 給隱藏起來 不給其他人看到 - Microsoft Community 是可以達到我要的效果(Document 不見了)。但是當我在 communicatio
Hi,We added File System Content Source and Crawl Rule to SharePoint Search Center. The file system format is file://ipaddress/folder. It has crawled successfully. We can