I created a PPT template to insert a picture(pic is under same folder as PPT file), but it shows the error message:run-time error '-2147024809'(80070057)': the specified
1. SharePoint Home page add a web part -> Quick Chart,添加quick chart的时候数据源只能是calendar和task里面的数据吗?我可以添加documents library里面的excel数据作为数据源吗,不行的话有什么方法能做到吗2. 我添加task/calenda
Hi,it always synchronize the whole folder of teamsite if I was using Onedrive for business.however I can select folder if I used Onedrive. can you please advise about th
Hi,we created many of groups for project or function purpose, now some of projects completed, and the group will not need any more, but we don't want to delete them, is
I want to do some statistics for a task app to calculate for each person how many tasks have been assigned to him. Is there any recommended solution in Sharepoint?